Sleep Apnea
You may be suffering from a dangerous condition and not even know it. Here at North Aurora Smiles, we believe there’s more to patient care than just fixing teeth. Our goal for you is whole-body health. Ultimately, it’s our job to benefit your physical well-being in any way we can, and we believe that one of the first steps in the journey to whole-body health is an effective breathing wellness program.
More than 22 million Americans suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea, a condition studies have shown to be directly correlated to anxiety and chronic fatigue. If left untreated, it can lead to numerous serious health conditions or even death. If you or someone you love is suffering from sleep apnea or sleep disordered breathing, we may be able to help.
Failure of the upper and lower jaw to develop properly is a common cause of obstructive sleep apnea. This condition, called maxillary hypoplasia and/or mandibular retrognathia/retrusion, often results in a compromised upper airway.
Obstructive sleep apnea has many signs and symptoms—some are so common we ignore them or even consider them normal. The following are a few of the most common signs that you or someone you love is suffering from sleep apnea:
- Frequent sleep interruptions
- Chronic fatigue
- Morning headaches
- High blood pressure
The Vivos System is a multi-disciplinary treatment protocol that may treat your sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing issues. The treatment, which averages 12-24 months in duration, is non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical.
Pneumopedics® is the physiologic enhancement of the upper airway via naturally-occurring and treatment-induced changes over time. The Vivos System incorporates the science of Pneumopedics® in its treatment protocols for addressing maxillary hypoplasia and mandibular retrusion.
Sleep apnea affects every aspect of our lives. You’ll be amazed at the difference an effective breathing wellness program can have on your life and the lives of your family. It may reduce fatigue and anxiety, increase productivity, lessen the frequency, and severity of headaches – the list goes on and on.
Not only does the quality of life improve, but an effective breathing wellness program can reduce the risk of dangerous conditions such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Breathe new life today. For more information, schedule a consultation with Dr. Hammad Aziz.
- “100% of American’s [are] directly or indirectly affected by snoring and sleep apnea.”
- According to the Journal of Sleep Medicine, “38,000 annual cardiovascular deaths [are] related to sleep apnea.”
- In 2017, the Mayo Clinic’s article, “Sleep Apnea” stated, “1 in 5 people have shortness of breath”
- Studies have shown that people with untreated sleep apnea have an 8-12 yearshorter life span.
Sleep Apnea Video
Frequently Asked Questions
Sleep apnea is a dangerous, yet often undiagnosed, sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is interrupted as they sleep. These interruptions, known as apneas, can last for several seconds to a minute and occur due to the airway becoming blocked or the brain failing to signal the muscles to breathe. This condition leads to a reduction of oxygen levels in the blood and a fragmented sleep pattern. This can cause symptoms that include loud snoring, daytime fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea (CSA), and complex sleep apnea syndrome.
Common warning signs that could indicate sleep apnea include chronic loud snoring, choking or gasping during sleep, and frequent sleep interruptions. Other symptoms may include chronic morning headaches, daytime drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and dry mouth or sore throat upon waking. Some individuals may also experience restless sleep or frequent trips to the bathroom at night. If you or someone you know exhibits these symptoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider, as untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health complications, including heart disease and stroke.
Several conditions can mimic the symptoms of sleep apnea, including chronic snoring, insomnia, and restless legs syndrome. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also cause nighttime symptoms similar to sleep apnea, such as choking and coughing. Additionally, conditions like asthma, anxiety disorders, and even obesity-related hypoventilation syndrome can present with similar symptoms, such as fatigue, difficulty breathing, and disrupted sleep. A proper diagnosis from a healthcare provider, often involving a sleep study, is crucial to differentiate sleep apnea from these other conditions.
Living with untreated sleep apnea is not advisable, as it can lead to serious health risks. Sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It can also lead to daytime fatigue, making activities like driving dangerous. Additionally, untreated sleep apnea can contribute to mood disorders, memory problems, and reduced quality of life. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, it is essential to seek medical evaluation and appropriate treatment to manage the condition and reduce associated health risks.
Determining if you have sleep apnea typically involves symptom assessment and diagnostic testing. Common symptoms of sleep apnea may include:
- Chronic disruptive snorting and bothersome interruptions of sleep throughout the night
- Gasping for air during sleep
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
If you suspect sleep apnea, consult a healthcare provider who may recommend a sleep study, also known as a polysomnogram. This test monitors your breathing patterns, oxygen levels, and other vital signs while you sleep, providing a conclusive diagnosis. Home sleep apnea tests are also available for initial screening.